Sandy Creek Park

This weekend we got to go on our second camping trip to Sandy Creek Park in Jasper, TX! It's only an hour away so it was the perfect amount of drive time for a Friday evening after Nehemiah got off of work! We camped with Mrs. Becky and Braden and had a wonderful time! The kids spent the weekend riding bikes, playing at the playground, and making new friends! One of the perks of this campground is that we could see the kids as they rode their bikes and as they played at the playground, without ever leaving our campsite! Next time, we will try to get a little closer to the playground so we can really sit back and relax as they play! It was another successful camping trip! We enjoyed spending time with Mrs. Becky and of course the kids loved having Braden to play with all weekend long! 

My photos got all mixed up when I uploaded them... but they still tell the story of a fun camping weekend! 

Our campsite wasn't on the water but we were very close! It was gorgeous weather all weekend long but the water was rough!

I spotted these two looking at the water and had to get their picture!

We saw a pretty big alligator (or crocodile as Luke said) sunning on Saturday morning! We kept our distance but enjoyed watching him!  

So silly and the dirtiest feet!

Nehemiah's cousin Brian, his wife Sharon, and their son Marklin came to visit us on Saturday evening! We enjoyed catching up with them, having dinner, and making smores! 

These two loved keeping the fire going all weekend long! 

Maw and all the grandchildren! 

The hammocks were a hit this weekend! I love this picture of  Braden & Luke! 


The sunset on Saturday evening was absolutely gorgeous!!

One of mine and Nehemiah's favorite things is a campfire!! 

The girls with their sweet new friends they made this weekend! 

Cora and her sweet new friend! Nehemiah and I got to watch Cora interact with her friend without Ella nearby and it was the sweetest moment to witness. They have such different personalities and it's fun to see the differences! 

Ella and her sweet new friend!! If Ella had her hair pulled back, I think they could have been twins separated at birth! 

Such a sweet big helper!

All the sweet friends at the playground! 

Hazy and blurry but I love a family picture!

Morning coffee by the fire!

They climbed this pole ALL weekend! They ended up getting pretty good at it by Sunday!

S'mores Smiles! 
On our next camping trip, I want to try campfire cones! They look so good and the combinations are endless!! 

I love the sunset behind Ella! 

Sweet Cora had a rough Saturday night and wasn't feeling well on Sunday morning... but she got over it quickly and had a great last day! 

The Silliest!

These 4 played so good together!

Such a great weekend! 

The kids favorite parts of the weekend:

Ella's was making new friends! (She's a social butterfly!!)

Cora's was riding bikes! 

Luke's was playing on the playground! 


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