Halloween 2014!

We've had such a fun Halloween week! We painted pumpkins, had a park picnic with friends, and went trick or treating at all of Ella's grandparents & great grandparents houses! 

 Ella was such a little tornado during our pumpkin painting session. She painted her pumpkin for all of 1.5 seconds then promptly went to stir & spill water, eat paint, paint her hair, and make as much mud as possible. Totally worth it though. :)


Typical Ella face! Just wish you could hear the sound effects. lol

How do you look like this after painting?? And that's not paint she's covered in! lol

Checking on her sweet Max who is not having a very good week. :(

On Thursday morning, we discovered that our sweet goat Oretta, had her babies... TRIPLETS!!! They are adorable and Oretta came right to us and let us pet her babies!! So sweet!! Ella was alllll about petting the babies!

Ella petting a baby! That's our sweet friend Kohl on my other leg!

Halloween Picnic with Nikki, Brooklyn, & Brenna at the park!
Ella & Brenna ALMOST got a kiss!

Sweet girls at the park!

Thursday night trick or treating at Dad's & Julie's!!
Little Bunny Foo Foo! She rocked her costume!

Halloween 2013 with little bitty Minnie Mouse. I'm pretty sure this is the only picture we have of her that night. It was pouring rain and she basically slept the whole time!! She was just over one month old! So precious!

On Friday night we trick or treated at my mom's house, Uncle Bubba, Aunt Sandra & Nene's house, Janet and Brian's house, Mr. John & Mrs. Becky's house, and Lori, Jeremy, & Aaron's house. Ella had so much fun and got a ton of treats! She put on a show for everyone! I am SO glad I took picture's of her on Thursday night because once she got a sucker on Friday night, the whole costume was ruined for the rest of the night and she was a sticky mess!! 


Ella had fun visiting Nene, Aunt Sandra, & Uncle Bubba. She put on a show with her balloon and sharing her sucker with daddy!

Next Stop, Aunt Jan & Uncle B's! Ella had so much fun walking around on their back porch and staring at the fire. Oh and snuggling with her Uncle B! 

We didn't take a single picture at Mr. John & Mrs. Becky's house, but Ella loved eating Halloween dirt cake and walking all over their house!

The last stop of the night was Lori & Jeremy's house. They had dried apples for Ella and she made sure we opened them right away so she could start eating them and taking EVERYTHING off of their coffee table. 

When we got home Ella had a big surprise! We have known that our cat was about to have kittens, we just didn't know when she would have them! Well obviously she had them a while ago! Three little kittens came walking out of our shed tonight! They came right to us and Ella PROMPTLY scooped one up!! We cracked up when she just picked it up all by herself! She was in HEAVEN! Those poor kittens have no idea how many hugs, kisses, and squeezes they have coming! 

Ella had a BLAST this Halloween!! Thank you to ALL of our family who had treats for her & just let her come visit and tear up their house for a little while! It's so awesome that we have SO much family that Ella probably won't ever have to really go trick or treating anywhere else! Love y'all! 

 Ella with all her Halloween Treats!! 
Even missing another treat bag from Grammy, I forgot to put in the picture!


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