12 Weeks Update!

How far along? 12 weeks this past Monday! I'm a little late this week... I'll be 13 weeks tomorrow. 

Size of baby? The size of a lime! Or an Easter egg!

Maternity clothes? Nope, but I'm buying maternity pants/jeans ASAP... 

Stretch marks? None.  But I’m prepared!! 

Sleep?  The past couple weeks have been pretty sleepless; however, somehow I have remained FULL of energy!!! Thank goodness!!!! 

New symptoms? Feeling really great!!! Ready for the second trimester!! 

Fun moments this week? We went to our second doctor’s appointment last Friday! They are so exciting!! It had been exactly a month since our last appointment, so I was REALLY looking forward to it! It’s almost like accomplishing a small goal when I make it to the next appointment! We had another ultrasound and WOW! We were so surprised by what we saw!! I’ve been keeping up with the weekly growth of the baby through all of my apps and books... but nothing can prepare you for what you see on that screen!! Our little tiny dot that we saw last time, turned into a REAL baby!! With arms and legs!! It was so cool!! I think our favorite part was when it moved it arms, legs, and then rolled over!! It was so precious!! We are ready to hold it NOW! Or at least see it on that screen again!!! One more month... haha 

Food cravings? I have been craving Asian food like crazy! Asian food is one of my all time favorite foods... but I hate buffets. We’ve eaten at the Chinese buffet in town, TWICE. In the same week. I don’t understand what’s gotten into my head. Haha
We’ve eaten Thai twice and sushi (NOT the raw kind) after our last appointment. Nehemiah is OVER it. Haha He gets to pick the restaurant for a while.

Things I miss: Water. I don’t drink enough of it. I think my body is craving it now. 

Movement? Too early. 

Exciting Accomplishments this week: This past weekend I had SO much energy!! (Praise the Lord!) Nehemiah had to work all day Saturday, so I got up EARLY... like full speed by 8 a.m. and started cleaning the house. Then grocery shopped and ran errands, and was back home by noon because we were expecting some Dish Network guys to come by to fix our internet. Then Mom came over and we decorated our entryway wall! I had been wanting to use all of these picture frames that I had accumulated over the past few months in a photo wall! Mom came over and helped me design it and actually do it!! It turned out so good!!! Julie gave us the PERFECT black table to go against the wall!! It added just the right touch! I love how it turned out!! 

Random Update:- Right after we found out we were expecting, Amber & Wesley offered to host a gender reveal party for us! I am so thankful for these two and all they do in my cousin’s lives! I’m so excited that Baby “L” will get to be apart of their lives and ALL of their cousin’s! (No matter if they’re related by blood or not!)
 I am SO excited about the gender reveal party!!! We should be able to find out what the gender is in about 6-7 weeks! So in 2 more doctor’s visits! We spent some time with Amber & Wesley this week talking about details of the party... I. AM. SO. EXCITED. It's going to be so cute!

-Our friend, Mrs. Connie Kirk, texted me this week and told me about a man that had a bunch of Great Pyrenees puppies that he was giving away, because he had too many!! He was going to put them to sleep if he didn't give them away!!! They usually sell for $500. We jumped on this! 
(By the way, if you know me, then you know that I really do not LOVE dogs... especially inside dogs... but Sam & Max are both outside dogs! Max is staying on the porch until he's older... I made a deal with Nehemiah: if he takes care of ALL the dog poop, I'll take care of 90% of Baby L's poop. haha He said he wanted to record me! I like this deal, but when I've had enough of dirty diapers and I'm exhausted, this deal is voided. lol) 

We already have a Great Pyrenees and he guards our goats, which they are bred to do. Sam is so sweet! Here is a picture of him and Oretta! 
These two are super jealous of... Max! 

7 week old Max! 

This is Max & his brother! We took the last two puppies the man had and gave Max's brother to our friend who also has goat's. 

 Max wanted his picture taken for Easter...

Napping in the sun....
This is where Max laid while we were taking my 12 weeks pic... Can you tell he is spoiled already??


  1. I love, love, love getting to read your posts. You guys are so sweet and special.

    1. Thank you Meghan! You're so sweet! We look up to you guys more than you know!!


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