Bathroom Remodel!

Ever since Nehemiah & I got engaged in June, we have dreamed of MANY updates for our home! We have done a lot of work on our home since we've been married, but everywhere we (more accurately… I) look, we see a project! I thought it would be fun to blog about our updates/remodels in our home so that we can look back on where we started! I know it will be nice to look back and see how far we've come… especially when we're in the middle of a 4 day project and toiletless. Haha. When you live in an old home, nothing, I repeat, NOTHING, is easy. But everything we do, no matter how challenging, is extremely rewarding!!! I LOVE PROGRESS! So I know I will LOVE looking back and seeing everything we've done!

The first room that we updated was the bathroom! It was a lovely… goldish/tannish/not attractive color! That color was on top of another layer of paint… a blueish color, on top of a layer of wallpaper, and then on top of another layer of wallpaper! So that makes 4 layers of ugliness on top of the sheetrock! Haha… Not to mention some LOVELY bubbles in the latest paint job because of the wallpaper underneath! The floor was a greenish/grayish linoleum. There was a CUTE brick, in a giftbag, in a little fabric sack used as a door stop. The door was hung with two different size hinges, which caused the door to slam shut anytime you didn't have to doorstop in front of it. FUN TIMES. I'm not even going to comment on the light fixtures… but yea, we changed them. The mirror above the sink was an OLD medicine cabinet… which is useful… but NOT cute.

Another fun part of our bathroom is the fact that it has 2 showers: a handicap shower and a regular tub/shower. Nehemiah LOVES IT! This has proved to be useful at times… but eventually I would like to take the handicap shower out and create a little more storage in our house! I think it is HILARIOUS because every time a man goes into our bathroom they comment on how cool it is that we have 2 showers. Every time a woman goes in our bathroom they comment on the fact that we have 2 showers and they ask us what we are going to do about it! In other words when are we going to take it out!! Haha I love how differently men and women think!
Gold walls & that medicine cabinet.
 Notice the LAYERS of colors & wall paper's!

So a few months ago, we started the bathroom renovation. We scraped the wallpaper off, sanded, spackled, sanded, and then painted… a couple coats of a lovely shade of gray!!! Changed all of the cabinet knobs and drawer pulls. Nehemiah changed out all of the electrical outlets, light switches, faucet, door stop, and the toilet flusher handle!! He put in a new light fixture over the mirror and we replaced the old medicine cabinet!! He also spray painted the light/vent/heater!! Bought 2 new shower curtains! We are pleased with how it turned out and weren’t too depressed about the price! Haha

We bought some flooring and we had planned on tackling that ourselves as well. After a couple horror stories about the flooring we bought, we brought it back to Lowes, and were at a stand still. Then the wedding happened, honeymoon, Thanksgiving, married life, Christmas, New Years, …. And here we are. About a week ago Nehemiah called a guy that installs flooring, who Janet & Brian used in their house. He came over, gave us a quote, we bought the supplies over the weekend, and Monday he was at our house at 7:30 a.m.!! They were supposed to be finished by Wednesday……………. But nothing is ever as easy as it seems…

They started working and IMMEDIATELY found that parts of the sub floor was rotten and beams under the house were too. So they called a guy and they came over and fixed it THAT DAY!!!! So the floor guys came back on Tuesday and started again!! They were finished by Thursday and we are SO PUMPED!  We’ve been without a toilet for a few days, so I am EXTRA glad that they are done!!!!! And I LOVE THE FLOOR!!! It’s ceramic tile that looks like wood floor!!!! I love EVERYTHING about it… except… the fact that it is FREEZING cold. But I’ll gladly wear Nehemiah’s socks all the time than walk on what we had! Haha By the way, we extended the tile out into the hallway… so we replaced the disgusting carpet! YAY!!!

Enjoy some more pic's of the process! :) 

 HGTV "Dovetail" SUPER PAINT! haha

 Y'all... that light fixture had to go!
                                              Nehemiah took great picture's during the flooring installation process!!!!

 New paint color, mirror, and light fixture!



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