Miss Cora made her arrival on Thursday, March 26th, 2015 at 8:37 pm. She weighed 7 lbs, 13 oz and was 20 inches long. She was so content when she was born and that has proven to be true for her first week of life! She loves to be held or swing in her mamaRoo! She's only waking up once in the night to eat right now but she does not like staying awake to eat! But we're working through the sleepy newborn stage and know that she will be wide awake in about a week! Hoping for a good sleeper!!! :)
Cora's jaundice levels were a bit high throughout the past week and after doing blood work two times this week, we found out that they finally went down and we're done with the torturous "heel stick." I love how the doctor's and nurses call it a "heel stick" to make it sound like it 's not a big deal, but it's plain awful. They stick the little baby's foot, which isn't the worst part, then they milk that teeny, tiny, tender, little foot to fill a vile of blood. :( Nehemiah & I were not a fan of those appointments. But we are SO thankful that her levels are normal now and she is healthy. Also, 100% thankful for a healthy baby with only minimal jaundice, parents who have to deal with major health issues in their little bitty babies are superheroes. I can't imagine the emotions they go through.
Her big sister is in LOVE with her! Ella looooooooves to hold Cora and squeeze and kiss her... Her squeezes can be a little violent and sometimes she gets a little carried away when she grabs her little feet or face! We've had to really practice being gentle with the baby. Cora; however, is a trooper. She really hasn't cried during or after one of Ella's love attacks! haha She's going to be tough! Ella is such a good big sister and truly wants to help out. If she hears Cora squeak or cry she immediately starts looking for Cora's paci and brings it to her. Precious. I love seeing her interested in Cora and seeing her blossom into a helpful little girl. I SWEAR she was just a baby.
So far, our transition to a family of four has gone very smoothly! We have been blessed with extra help and lots of meals! I've only had a few hours of alone time with just me and the girls and we survived, so I know that when we get a routine down, we will be just fine!
Thank you all so much for praying for us through this pregnancy, labor & delivery, and our first week at home. We've definitely felt the prayers. We are so blessed and in love with two healthy and happy little girls.
Here are some pictures from our time at the hospital and our first week at home, and the best video EVER!
Our last picture as a family of 3! |
Last belly picture!! |
Just waiting on Cora! We had about 24 LONG hours to go! |
Our first family picture with her! And already missing Ella! |
So cozy! |
Ready to go home!! |
Mama + Cora |
Daddy + Cora |
Ella + Cora. Both one day old and wearing the same outfit! |
Breaking out of the hospital and headed home to Ella!! |
Headed home! |
Our first picture as a family of four!!! |
Ella hugging her sister!! |
Ella trying to give Cora her paci! |
Maybe my favorite picture ever. Lap full=heart full. |
And the most precious video ever. I truly thought Ella was going to cry from excitement!
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